星期五的晚上,我和姐姐从妈妈的药店回到家里,看见家里有些乱,我和姐姐就说:“咱俩打扫卫生吧。”姐姐说:“好呀,反正妈妈每天忙的也没时间,我们就自己打扫吧。”于是,我们就很快行动 起来,我来擦桌子,姐姐擦窗户,不一会,家里打扫的干干净净的。
On Friday night, my sister and I came home from my mother's drugstore. When we saw that the house was a bit messy, my sister and I said, "let's clean up." My sister said, "well, anyway, my mother is busy every day. Let's clean it by ourselves." So, we moved quickly. I came to clean the table, and my sister cleaned the windows. Soon, the house was clean.
When mom and dad came back from work and saw the house was clean, they asked, "who cleaned it?" My sister and I said, "it's us." Mom and dad said happily, "you are really grown up. You can help mom clean up."
I'm very happy after listening, and I also feel that I'm really grown up. I decided that I would help my mother do housework often in the future.